วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

COMPAQ Products

Compaq Products

COMPAQ Presario CQ41
               - When it is turned on but no screen.
               - The Capslock lights flashing.
                  Error code on the outside, but no pictures as well. This version of the notebook 
      CPU core i3- i5, but I do not like them all. Preliminary tests with DDR3 memory, try the test.

COMPAQ Presario CQ20

                     - Not the light switch, the fan does not spin.
                     - Notebook repair the motherboard. Quite complex. Due to the change in 
                      electrical activation  of the small SMD requires skill and expertise. 
                       If I do not specialize. 
                       Notebook Repair Motherboard may be damaged permanently.
                       Must be quite dead
             - Symptoms of the common notebook Compaq 326 is not open.
             - Press the switch without any changes.
             - The fan does not turn dark.
            - The status of the jack plug adapter, the orange button. The symptoms of the 
              notebook motherboard. Repair Tool for a notebook.

        - When it is hit the switch on the light switch on and off.
        - Press the switch again to the state.
        - Change the adapter when the same test.
        - Which is a waste of the motherboard.
        - Repair notebook motherboard is quite complex. Do not try to repair itself without 
           the knowledge or tools are not decisive.
COMPAQ Presario CQ40

           - AMD,  not the symptoms.

           - Power light flashes.
           - Capslock black screen with no picture.
          - Flashing capslock shows error.
          - Code of the symptoms that this notebook. Can subdivide the CPU and the mainboard of the notebook is required for the CPU if the CPU, then open the notebook to show that the CPU has to change if it is flashing. The motherboard is the next fix.
